Tuesday 3 May 2011

Yoga Characterstics

  • Enriching your mind, body and soul.
  • A good workout.
  • Practice of Yoga poses – done continuously in a sequence of exercise without stopping.
  • Riding the breath – special kind of breathing rather strenuous or even outright acrobatic, movements from one pose to another.
  • Challenges your physical and mental ability and focus.
  • Help you to maintain and keep up a good focus/full concentration for a longer period of time, without breaking or distracting you concentration.
  • A good training for all athletes – helps avoidance of injuries and gain rehabilitation.
  • Designed to enhance the strength and flexibility.
  • Help releases all the stress and toxins through your sweat.
Power Yoga Means Less Chanting And More Sweating. If you enjoy a good workout, Power Yoga may be the best Yoga style for you. <http://www.yoga-central.net/Power_Yoga_-_General_Characteristics.html>

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